The Something Awful Avatar Page
by ifstream EyE

Image Text
1 000-179 none
2 180-199 I'm a regular tub of forum sex.
3 200-299 Attention Whore!
4 300-349 Lowtax must like me, as I haven't been banned yet.
5 350-399 Cliff Yablonski hates me.
6 400-449 I have killed many threads by now.
7 450-499 I stole a pie from Estelle Getty.
8 500-549 I am a horrible monster.
9 550-599 Here comes the cyclops!
10 600-649 Caboose on the MANTRAIN!
11 650-699 I am a horrible monster and I pray for death.
12 700-749 Look mah! I'm using the INTER-NET!
13 750-799 Will choke to death for food.
14 800-849 I enjoy using catchphrases!
15 859-899 I'll give you a box of chocolates if you kill me.
16 900-904 I AM PRIZE CRAZY!!!
17 905-949 none I dance for the Japanese men.
18 950-999 Fly away, nerd!
19 1000-1049 My penis size has become fairly large.
19 1050-1099 The Pusher Bot is here to protect me.
20 1100-1149 Grabualsa!!!
21 1150-1199 The Shover Bot is here to protect me.
22 1200-1249 I live in fear of the MALL PUPPETS!!!1
23 1250-1299 none I am being protected at the bottom of the stairs
24 1300-1349 none I see invisible dumptrucks...!
25 1350-1399 none I am now protecting grandma
26 1400-1499 none This is not a custom title. I am not special.
27 1500-1599 none Sam Jain hit on me at Denny's.
28 1600-1699 none I FOUND LOVE ON AOL!!!
29 1700-1799 none I am fat on the inside, bitch.
30 1800-1899 none I'm going to jail.
31 1900-1999 none Get in the jail.
32 2000-2099 none I think half the people on Cliff Yablonski's page are DREAMY.
33 2100-2199 none I like pirates.
34 2200-2299 none I store beans in my skullcap.
35 2300-2399 none OH, I SURE POST A LOT.
36 2400-2499 none I am stalking all the women on this forum.
37 2500-2599 none PAK CHOOIE UNF
38 2600-2699 none HERE COMES SPARKY!!!
39 2700-2799 none I have been wounded by The Molestinator.
40 2800-2899 none I probably talk about role playing games a lot.
41 2900-2999 none GO LAUNCH YUORSELF INTO SPACE@!!!!1
42 3000-3999 none Why don't I have a custom title by now?!?
43 4000- none I should really have a custom title by now. I should email Lowtax.